When a family is living in real poverty it is often the kids who suffer because there is no money to pay for school uniforms and school books. Our scholarship project provides everything that they need to be able to attend school, but it does not necessarily end there. Additional costs such as school insurance and snacks at school all have to be taken into account.
The social Services department asked if we would help the three boys from this family who are living in real poverty and who without assistance could not afford to send the kids to school. The youngest boy, in Kindergarten, gets free school lunches, but the other two do not, so they would both benefit from help - 20 B per day x 5 x4 = 400 B per month x 5 ( 1 Semester) 2,000 B each.
Equally, they'd benefit from money for snacks if it were possible - this would be twice the above amount, being 20B morning and afternoon, 40 B per day x 5 x4 = 800 B per month x 5 (1 Semester) 4,000B each.
After we bought the boys new school uniforms we discovered that Mum didn't have an iron or ironing board, so we've got those ready to send over.
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.
UK Registered Charity No. 1104335