We had a great visit with Perrie today, despite starting the day off somewhat haphazardly as the vehicle we'd hoped to have need a clutch repair and the very tight (but just do-able) travel schedule organized by our new Volunteer Co-ordinator (whom you met on your last visit) Dave , fell through because the volunteers didn't have a phone and hadn't returned from going to do their washing at the local launderette! Still - never daunted, your intrepid team sorted it, so I think it's worth another chunk on the chocolate account, don't you? Actually, we were fortunate as Tom was in the office today and we asked him to fill in for Boonying, and he was delighted - plus his car seats far more than my car. (Whatever would we do without him?)

Our first little snag was that when we went to pick Pangpon up he wasn't around and the teacher said she knew nothing about his going out. Again, Tom to the rescue, as he has several teachers in school 8, so he was able to call them for assistance. Pangpon arrived soon after, smiling, so I guess the thought of a meal out overcame any shyness in meeting a new sponsor - whom we then collected from his hotel in South Pattaya (gosh that soi is so congested).

Having found out that Pangpon preferred Thai food, off we went to Maes Y Ruen, and since Perrie was used to Thai food the menu wasn't a problem. Pangpon cleared every bit off his plate his plate he enjoyed it so much. Unfortunately, Suky got an emergency call from the office and had to dash off to do some interpreting at a meeting for Dianne and so I don't think she managed to finish her lunch. However, she did have the opportunity to meet Perrie and, like me, found him very likeable and easy to communicate with. He's the kind of chap you think you've known for ages, just fitted right in.

After lunch we raided our favourite store, and although we walked by the toy area Pangpon showed no interest, but was thrilled to get new school supplies - coloured pencils, a pencil box, pens, ruler and liquid paper. Then we went to try and get him some new soft brown school shoes, which they didn't have in his size. However, he found some Ben 10 and superhero tops, shorts and thongs, plus some jeans, a warm jacket with a hood, socks and underwear and some more formal sandals. He was so happy - and having Tom to chat with and advise him was a big plus. He gets on so well with the students, especially the boys, they really relate to him.
We ran out of time at that point, but Pangpon said he didn't need anything else. Perrie suggested he might need a bicycle, but he said his existing one was O.K. and when Perrie asked about groceries, I thought not. I think his Mum is OK for food. However, I did explain that perhaps at the beginning of the new school year, when extra items might need to be bought, that might not be the case. So, since we had to take him back to school and he thought he wouldn't be able to manage all his bags on the school bus, after we dropped him off we went to Nakluam, where Perrie bought his school trousers and shoes, and after we got back to the office Suky rang his Mum who said she'd come and collect them.

I know you'll find it as gratifying as we did to hear Perrie say that it was the response he'd had from you, the way we work together (not in exactly those words), and that his visit went just as he'd hoped, that has convinced him he's made a good decision in deciding to sponsor though PSK. It was also helpful having someone working in Mental Health in Australia and understanding some of the difficulties in working with bureaucracy and red tape. He is a good conversationalist and loves his job, as shows in his enthusiasm.
I can honestly say, hand on heart, that he had a very good first visit.
Registered Charity No. 1104335
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.