Nonthacha DOB 19.09.2002
This delightful and very brave little boy lives at home with his parents and two sisters. Father works as unskilled labour in the construction business earning 200 B per day when there’s work for him. Nonthacha's previous sponsor has withdrawn from the scholarship scheme
Mum is very aware of the necessity of keeping everything as clean as possible because of the risk of infection. Nonthacha has to apply a special cream to his burns twice a day and as this is expensive we fund the cost of the creams for him. Home is one large concrete room in a block of two. There is one family room, and they all sleep on one mattress. It has a good sized refrigerator and T.V. and it is kept very tidy and scrubbed so well the ‘patchwork’ lino is almost worn through in some places. In addition there is a kitchen area and toilet/shower area. They are connected to city water.
Income is 4,800 B a month if Dad is working regularly.
Expenses are Rent 1,200 B; Food 4,200 B; school lunches for 2 children 1,200 B; school bus for 3 children 900 B and Hospital visits once a month 500B per visit. Total 8,000 B If there is no money they don’t go to school or eat properly.
These are obviously hard working people who have fallen on hard times, and are trying desperately to ‘keep it all together’.
For further information please contact us at:
(update) A sponsor has now been found for this child)
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.