The money will go towards supplying monthly food deliveries to the kids, paying for their school snacks and helping them with clothing and helping to improve their living conditions with bedding, toiletries and medication as well as where possible paying for the material to make repairs to their shacks as in the case of 'Gun' the boy in these photos.

On behalf of all of the kids we are helping our thanks got to the partons of the shows and the entire staff of the Lady Boys of Bangkok shows for making the collections on our behalf. This brings the total money raised by the show's audiences this year to a amazing £11303 which in the current finacial climate is an incredibly generous gesture in support of the kids.
Registered Charity No. 1104335
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.
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