Saturday 16 June 2012

A Bicycle For A Birthday Gift

Thursday was the day when Suky took Suradetch out to enjoy the super treat Walter had made possible for him.
He enjoyed a delicious meal of his favourite khao man gai (don't hold me to the spelling) with a two scoops of ice cream and a water melon shake,  and finished every bit.

Since the ground on which he has to travel is very rough, his old bike had suffered badly over the months, and finally was sold by his dad as scrap (probably along with that day's trash collection).  Being able to have another bike made him one very happy camper, as you can see from the photo's. He's such a delightful little boy and always smiling.

Suky learned that there are two other "sisters" who have arrived and are living nearby, one of whom would appear to have a young baby.  However, Mum is still going out "to work" at 8.00am each day and getting home quite late, and since Dad is out collecting trash, Suradetch is often left to his own devices.  However, it seems he goes to the sisters' house when he's hungry, so we felt better on hearing that.

You'll notice that he doesn't have a lot of hair now.  It seems that his grandma died recently and he had to have his head shaved in order to do his bit as a monk.  It quite suits him, don't you think?

There was 520 B change from his bicycle which we've kept here against emergencies, or  maybe we can send a bucket of KFC over sometime

Registered Charity No. 1104335
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.

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