Thursday 25 October 2012

A second day with his students in Pattaya for an Australian sponsor

As you would be able to surmise from the photographs,  the boys, Jeff and your 'terrible trio' had a very enjoyable outing yesterday - although the T.Ts were all suffering withdrawal symptoms since there was no KFC again!  What is the world coming to?

The boys were happy to be out together, but we had separate trolleys for them - so that nothing got mixed up and there were no disappointed faces at home later.  In actual fact Pitchit and his cousin Watchakorn are like twins, they're so close.  They do everything together and choose the same outfits - talk about peas in a pod...  They're always so outgoing, always smiling - and very respectful.  Kritsada too, although a little more reticent initially, soon relaxed and was flashing big beaming smiles at everyone throughout the day.  There are all really great kids to take out - so well behaved, but fun - and for them to be given free rein to choose what they wanted was such a treat for them.  I thought the 'twins' would make great supporters for Norwich City - what do you think?

Jeff was such a gem, and always concerned not to make them feel they were 'on display' when he was taking the occasional photographs.  He asked that if we had shots over and above those he'd taken.   

Since it will be Pitchit's birthday soon, Jeff asked if he would like to choose something extra for himself.  However, since he wasn't sure what he wanted, 1,000 B was left with me and he is thinking about it between now and then.  We'll give him a call later and ask him again, and then arrange the purchase.  Jeff even said that if it's something he's set his heart on and it doesn't fall into the budget, then he'll send the extra by Paypal.  Such a generous man.

So there we are - another super time out for us all and Jeff was so happy he's hoping to persuade friends at home that this is something they, too, would get great satisfaction from doing, so here's hoping, eh?
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.