Wednesday 10 April 2013

Girls' day out

Suky took Pornapa shopping for the first time yesterday. As you can see, she's quite a tall girl so we were concerned that it might be difficult to find something in her size in our usual 'haunts'. However, being quite the young lady now, she was delighted to be able to find a feminine and fashionable dress, matching bag and wallet and very pretty sandals at Big C.

She is still quite a shy girl, but very pleasant and respectful, and clearly was thrilled to be given such a treat.

Earlier in the day Suky had also taken Shutipha out to spend her birthday money, and as you can see from the photographs she really enjoyed herself. We were surprised to find that she didn't go for the longer hemlines, so clearly she's much happier with herself since she's made the decision not to return to school with her sister.

She chose very fashionable outfits (like Pornapa, she's becoming a young lady) in lovely, summer colours and couldn't wait to get home to show them to her twin sister.

I think there's no doubt that this delightful child felt very disadvantaged in the public school system. Being the less robust (physically and subsequently emotionally) of the twins I think she probably suffered quite badly at the hands of insensitive children - and teachers, possibly. The schools don't cater to the less able, unfortunately.

She has told Suky that she wants to continue with her education at the weekends.

Registered Charity No. 1104335
100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.

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