Monday 23 December 2013

Visit to Chonburi Youth Prison

Today a visit to the Choburi Youth Prison to visit 'Pon' one of our 14 year old students who is serving a two and a half year prison sentence for possession of drugs.

'Pon' is small for his age and very slightly built and was travelling on the back of his uncles motor bike when the bike was stopped at police check point, the uncle put something from his pocket into the kid's pocket and when they were searched it was 'Pon' who had possession of the more than 20 tablets of drugs and he was arrested.

Whilst on remand waiting for the court trial a fight broke out amongst some of the boys on remand and 'Pon' being the smallest took the blame and that automatically added another six months to any sentence he would receive.

When the kids arrive at the prison they are issued with two T-shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of underwear, a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush, a towel, a small bottle of shampoo and a spoon and unless they have someone to bring them anything else that is the extent of their worldly possessions during their sentence. The prison officer displayed the pack the kids are issued with for us to see.

'Pon' is now 5 months into his sentence and despite our best efforts we were unable to get a smile out of him (not really surprising considering his circumstances). 'Pon's' 80 year old grandfather who was caring for him makes an occasional visit but the prison is about 60miles from Pattaya where he lives. We were permitted to take photos  (which we are not publishing other than this edited one) of 'Pon' for his UK sponsor who asked us to find out what he needs and but it for him. 'Pon' asked for boxer shorts, underwear, T-shirts, toothpaste / brush, deodorant, talcum powder and skin cream. His main wish was for a warm coat. We have asked Suky of MERCY to organise the purchase of the items on our behalf and arrange for them to be delivered to 'Pon' in the next few days. On our way to the prison we stopped and bought a bucket of KFC for 'Pon' thinking he may want to share some with his friends, although he indicated that he would probably eat most of it himself, he certainly looked as though he needed something to eat.

'Pon' is on an agricultural vocational course during his sentence and there is a possibility that his sentence will be reduced by a few days for good behaviour, when his sentence ends he will be in grade nine and hopefully be able to return to school to finish his education.

The prison unit houses 300 boys and the daily budget for food per person is just 40Baht (80 pence) and that has to provide 3 meals a day. In the prison their are two social workers and one child psychologist for the 300 boys.

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