Tuesday 22 May 2012

A girl needing a sponsor

Shutipha (In pink dress) . DOB. 08/03/1998  # 154
This delightful child is one of twins born with a congenital deformity.  Both she and her sister have two knee caps on one knee and were born with only 4 toes on one foot; she on the left foot and her sister on the right.
She is the 'younger' and less robust of the twins, and although her school has made accommodation for her so that all her classes may be taken on the ground floor, the physical effort it takes for her to get from one class to another is exhausting and she is often absent from school. 
Her parents died several years ago but she has lived with her grandparents since she was born. Grandma makes a meagre living selling Thai sweets and any vegetables (donated by someone who has an allotment, and for whom she helps harvest the crops) excess to personal requirements.
                                               100 Years From Today
It will not matter how big your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be a little better because your help touched the life of one child.

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